Triglav Skladi (old)

by Triglav Skladi



The Triglav Skladi mobile application provides you with a comprehensive overview of events on the capital markets, an overview of current investment recommendations of our managers and analysts, and useful investment advice for both beginners and experienced investors. With a current set of news and an overview of exchange rates, it is intended for everyone who is interested in the world of finance. It also provides investors in Triglav mutual funds with a comprehensive and structured overview of the investment portfolio of mutual funds and executed transactions, as it enables the award of orders for one-off direct debits and transfers between mutual funds.Modern approaches to document management enable digital business, as you place all orders with the help of a remote signature. The highest security standards and confirmation of orders with one-time OTP passwords provide high security of your data and prevent the disposition of your funds by unauthorized persons.Important and convenient functionality for placing an order for a one-time SEPA direct debit allows you to arrange additional payments in one place, without (unnecessary) management of payment orders in your mobile bank or mobile wallet.Simply placing an order to transfer funds between mutual funds allows you to easily and quickly adjust your portfolio to capital market conditions 24/7 without visiting a branch.Monitoring events, access to news, alerts on innovations with a system of "push messages" are advantages that are appreciated by all experienced users, and help novice investors in the first steps of investing in mutual funds.